Sangha Yoga Events
workshops, trainings
& more

As of March 10th, all of our offerings are accessed online.
Please click over to our Online Offerings Schedule to join us!
Sangha (Song-gah) Yoga Studio Cooperative is dedicated to assisting you in finding and studying what inspires you about yoga! Join us for one of our unique offerings.

Dimensional Body: Somatic Anatomy & Yoga Workshop
“It is through your dimensional being that you realize you are a spark of divinity.”
― B.K.S. Iyengar
Yoga’s approach to understanding the body is the result of an intersectionality of philosophies and disciplines. Physical, functional, therapeutic, experiential, and embodied lenses of the yoga body provide a variety of views and language for practice and teaching. Join us to explore the embryological origins of our anatomical structure, how our movements are initiated and achieved, and how yoga therapeutically interacts with the container (bones and muscles) and contents (organs, glands, nervous system) of the body.
Dimensional Body: Somatic Anatomy & Yoga
with Becky Morrissey, eRYT500, C-IAYT, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS
June 27, 2020 11-4pm
Tuition: $50/workshop
To Register, email Becky: becky.morrissey.2017@gmail.com

Yoga & Your Brain: A Love Story
Yoga & Your Brain: A Love Story
August 1, 2020 11-2pm
Tuition: By Donation
To Register, email Becky: becky.morrissey.2017@gmail.com
Yoga’s effects upon the brain are fascinating!
Current research and application of breath, movement, and intentional contemplation practices upon the functionality and organic health of the brain and Nervous System Body is the focus of this workshop experience.
Join us for a comprehensive look a the embryological origins of our brain structure, how our breath and somatic-based movements move the brain both literally and metaphorically, Subtle Body Energy expressions of the brain, and how yoga therapeutically interacts with the Nervous System Body!

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teaching Training Weekend at Simply Power Yoga North, Loveland
Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teaching Training Weekend at Simply Power Yoga North, Loveland
September 12-13, 2020 Times: 12:30-5:30 pm both days.
with Becky Morrissey, eRYT500, C-IAYT, TCTSY, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS
Tuition: $300
See link to Simply Power Yoga TSY Weekend here for more info:
To ask Becky questions about the training, click below: